Yay! BMI normal and healthy, achieved the target weight, fitting into smaller dress sizes, looking pretty and happy, What Next?
Often time after reaching the target goal weight we start taking it easy and loose our focus. We forget the most important aspect of being healthy is to maintain the healthy weight and stay slim. The tougher part of being healthy is to maintain the lost weight. I was always confused when I was told that losing weight is easier than maintaining it. My concern was always losing weight and I thought once I lose weight things are going to be easy.
But wait here comes the real work to maintain that ideal weight. In my journey towards losing weight and maintaining I learnt a lot of things but I had to go the hard way. Hence, I decided to share with you all my thoughts/experiences so that you don’t make mistakes that I made in my initial stages.
I adapted the healthy lifestyle, ate healthy, exercised regularly, stayed active, always kept my metabolism working and I lost tons of pounds. Once I reached my goal weight I conveniently decreased my exercise from 7 days to 5 days a week thinking that little change won’t harm me. I indulged in all types of food again thinking that just one day of eating this burger and fries won’t harm or just one serving of brownie sundae won’t have any effect on my weight. I did not realize that by just saying one day in my mind I was eating calorie loaded food every day. I gained 5 pounds and suddenly I started looking little different in the mirror.
I ignored it and said to myself its only 5 pounds I will shed them no big deal. But trust me with that attitude I managed to gain another 3 pounds and then the bell in my mind rang and I took in charge of my lifestyle again. Then I realized that maintaining the healthy weight is tougher than losing weight because I lost my focus of staying fit and healthy.
Tips for maintaining healthy weight
1. Exercise regularly, in fact include some different and little tough exercises for your body to keep fighting and avoid the plateau of weight lost.
2. Eat healthy always; do not let go yourself on food because food plays a major role in healthy lifestyle and weight lost.
3. Keep weighing yourself regularly, the same way you used to weigh yourself when trying to lose weight. This way you will not derail from your goal and focus.
4. When others say that you have lost too much weight and you need to gain a little, don’t go by their words because it can be distracting and you may start taking it little easy which would again deviate you from your focus.
5. Stay active as much as possible to shed off the calories consumed unknowingly. Just because you have lost weight does not give you the liberty to sit all day or follow a no activity day.
6. of the hard work and sacrifices you did while reaching your target weight. You can’t let it go to a waste and hence continue following a healthy lifestyle.
Health Tip of the week
“Keep weight off, adjust and find your new normal”.
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