We know how injurious to health overeating is, yet we tend to overeat at the slightest pretext, esp. our favorite foods and later regret. Over eating, besides causing minor problems like indigestion and bloating is also one of the major reasons of weight gain and obesity.
We can directly address our overeating problems if we focus on right portions of eating. Eating small portions at regular intervals goes a long way in controlling weight and maintaining good health. Children should be taught at a very young age to eat small portions and make the right choices of food so that as adults they do not suffer from the consequences of overeating.
Sometimes, it becomes easier to solve some specific issues if we know the root cause of it. If can understand the root cause of our overeating problem we should be able to focus on right portion eating.
Below are some of the reasons that lead us to overeating:
1. Skipping Breakfast – We usually skip breakfast because we do not have time in the morning to prepare food for ourselves. By mid-morning we starve and start to develop acidity. The first chance we get to eat, we reach out to whichever food looks attractive and is easy on the tongue and unhealthy junk food is definitely easy to eat and overeat! Once our body goes into starvation mode we lose judgment of what to eat and where to stop.
2. Anxiety – Sometimes anxiety leads us to overeating. Any emotional disturbance or any stress makes our body crave for the junk food. In self-pity we tend to over indulge in those junk foods and end up over eating.
3. Lack of proper sleep – We overeat when we do not get sufficient sleep. Adequate sleep is very important for our well-being. Sleep relaxes our body muscles and mind and helps us restore energy. It is said that the hormones that build appetite start to suppress hunger when in sleeping mode. If you are sleep deprived the hormones start to work in reverse and increase your food cravings. This leads you to eat junk food at odd hours and you end up overeating.
4. Lack of understanding of the right portions – When we eat out the servings are usually enough for two people. But even if half the portion gives us the feeling of being full we continue eating and end up overeating. Sometimes an appetizer plate size is enough for us but we go for the traditional dinner plate. This again leads us to overeating.
5. The traditional diet concept – Many of us think that if we starve we may lose weight. But the opposite happens. Diets that starve our bodies do not last long and in fact tempt us to eat junk food which is easily available and also indulge in excess eating.
6. Not chewing properly– Sometimes we eat too quickly without chewing the food properly. Our body does not realize whether we have eaten sufficient. Proper chewing of food gives a level of satisfaction quickly and thereby helps in controlling overeating.
If we determine the reasons or the root causes of overeating we will be able to work towards avoiding overeating and maintain good health. So instead of regretting or trying to be on a starving diet let’s try to find out Why Do We Overeat?
Health tip of the week
“Avoid Overeating, Avoid Regretting”.
annabelt says
Usually 2 & 3 for me – I overeat if I’m tired, stressed or celebrating
Rachel says
For me it’s the chewing. If I’m with other people and having a conversation, I eat more slowly and then end up eating less.