This is a question which passes through our minds on and off, whether we are trying to lose weight or maintain healthy weight.
It is true that every individual is different so the eating plan should be based on individual requirements. Just following someone else’s diet plan may not work for that person. The constitution of the body varies. How much should one eat also depends on the physical activity the person embraces. Finally, it’s the metabolism that has to be put to work in order to decide how much should I eat?
After lot of trial and experiments of 5 months I am sharing what worked on me. Even though I always follow a regular exercise routine and healthy diet but there are times when the body gets used to certain pattern and sometimes we fail to follow the routine. That’s the time you realize a change is required and that’s how I decided to bring a change in my eating plan.
I decided to boost my metabolism by eating every 2 hours. The first day I missed it and ended up overloading my tummy at the end of the day and I failed. The next day with the same determination I decided to set a loud alarm. It kept ringing and I kept ignoring it the entire day and I failed again. The third day I gave myself a last warning, and made a little effort to at least listen to the alarm. I ate every two hours but I failed to eat healthy food and I over ate. I felt horrible and bloated by the time I was in my bed. I was totally miserable and couldn’t sleep all night. On the fourth day I wanted to give myself another chance. I ate every two hours with the help of alarm reminder and this time I did not overeat even though I ate all unhealthy food. The 5th day I was able to eat healthy every two hours. By the end of the week I felt happier and in control of my eating plan.
By the end of the month even though I gained couple of pounds I felt energetic, creative and enthusiastic. In the next couple of months I followed my 2 hour healthy eating plan and exercised, I not only lost those extra pounds but my body toned extremely nice and I felt stronger and energetic. I realized that weight gain was temporary because the body was adjusting to the new routine, metabolism was getting into effect and water weight slightly increased due to changes in the diet.
Now, I am in a habit of eating every 2 hours even without my clock alarm because my body now gives me the signal to eat 6-7 small meals. It is not always about losing weight but energy, strength, stamina and enthusiasm also plays major roles in healthy living.
It is not necessary that this plan may work for every individual but the key factor is to make metabolism work efficiently and for that eating as often as possible and nutritious is a long term winner.
Health tip of the week
“Eat frequently, eat healthy, and live enthusiastically”
Rizza Smith says
I always eat heavy meals! Anytime of the day. I should try to lessen it step by step until i reached my goal on a plan of having a normal meal, like 3 times a day but not all of it was heavy meal. 🙂
Christine says
I tend to graze and eat/snack all day long- when I try to stick to just 3 meals I tend to “cheat” or have drops in blood sugar. Plus i love to eat, eating the small portions all day makes me happy!
Meiah | My Crazy Hectic Life says
I’ve never heard of this diet before. How do stay successful? Do you meal prep?
Gunjan says
I do meal preps ahead of time most of the weeks. I also have lots of fruits and snacks with me. Initially it took me a while to get used to this new diet but now its just a life for me.
Olivia Kaye says
Him. This is so interesting! I’ve always thought about eating frequent smaller meals. But I wasn’t sure about it. I’ll have to try it for sure!
Shannon says
Hmmm interesting. My friend has been telling me to eat 6 small meals a day too- and she knows her stuff…maybe I will try it.
Gunjan says
Give it a try and be patient for a while. I am sure you will see results soon. 🙂