The Buzz Word…..
“I don’t get any time to do anything for my Health”, “Hey, I have been taken up by work so much that I didn’t get time to take care of my Health”, “I am so busy looking after my family that I don’t get any time for my Health”.
Did you notice any word/topic common in the above phrases? Did you notice the buzz word in the above phrases?
Yes, you got it right, the buzz word is Health. The word Health dominates our regular conversation, our regular thoughts and also our regular schedule, but do we really understand the meaning of the word Health?
According to Wikipedia, the definition is“Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the general condition of a person‘s mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain”.
As a layman, if we try and understand the meaning, the word Health would sum up to Happiness. Health does not mean to lose weight, or starve or sacrifice taste. Health does not mean eating less or extreme physical activity. It means to be active and energetic with increased stamina, staying motivated, creative and of course looking good and attractive. Health refers to soul, mind and body. Good Health makes you feel good about yourself and increases your confidence and that’s the point when we achieve Good Health.
Why is Health so important?
There are several benefits of good Health. Good health is required at every stage and every sphere of life. According to an article from “Your body becomes free from various forms of disorders and thus, you get a longer life. You can live a life without suffering from any aches, pain, or discomfort. In every sphere of your life, you will be able to perform to the best of your ability. Doing excellent work helps you to be a valuable member of a healthy society”.
The question again lingers to our minds how do we incorporate healthy lifestyle and achieve a good Health along with our busy schedules? Where do we start from?
Good Health cannot be achieved in just one day it is a continuous process and should be adapted as a part of our daily life. It is about making right choices. Health is about quality and not quantity.
Health Tip of the month:
“Start your day with a positive attitude and with a smile on your face”.
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