So you have been working hard at the gym, eating right, watching your intake diligently and hydrating your body enough and you seem to be happy with the scale going down every time you stand on it…but one day…’s a bummer…the scale does not move… work hard again and check the scale and it stays stagnant…this goes on for weeks or may be months leaving you worrying……but, hey, it’s normal. This is why Break The Weight Loss Plateau, Here’s How?
You’ve reached the weight loss plateau and it’s totally normal. Everyone reaches that stage and there could be many reasons for this. For example – your body has adjusted to that particular the exercise routine and is not burning as much anymore, or you have lapsed on your calorie intake or may be some water retention problem has started which was left unnoticed and so on.
There are many ways to break through the weight loss plateau though:
1. Change your workout routine – this becomes all the more important once you have lost a good amount of weight. After losing certain amount of pounds your body gets accustomed to the exercises and needs a change to stir itself and burn more calories.
2. Check on your goals – make sure that your new weight loss goal is more realistic. For example if you have already lost 10 -1 5 pounds and if you are within normal BMI range then it may get very difficult for your body to lose more weight. It’s easier to lose weight when you are heavier than when you have lost a good amount of it.
3. Watch your calories closely – have you lapsed in your calorie watch? Sometimes this might happen without us even noticing and it’s all unintentional. If you have reached your weight loss plateau it becomes even more important to watch your calories closer but do no discount the healthy food in any case, thinking they are high in calories because they might be extremely beneficial for your system.
4. Are you properly hydrated – This is extremely important because the more you hydrate yourself the more toxins and fat you will flush out making it easier for your body metabolism to work smoothly and lose weight.
5. Watch your fiber intake – Fiber keeps you fuller for longer and curbs false hunger pangs or unhealthy cravings. Make sure to include more fiber in your diet at this stage to be able to make the right choices of food and calorie intake.
6. Focus on building muscle mass – when you change your exercise routine make sure to include weight s and some exercises that help in increase the muscle mass which in turn will help you lose weight and look stronger and slimmer.
If nothing works do not get discouraged, continue with your healthy lifestyle and always remember that you are healthier, active and stronger today because after all being skinny is not important but being healthy and fit is more important.
Health tip of the week
“Break through your weight loss plateau but remember to be happy always.”
Heather Denniston says
All good. I also like to have clients take a 30-day break from checking weight. BUT I also like them to record meticulously on MYFITNESSPAL so I can see what’s going on. I love all your thoughts!