Ever wondered how our grocery shopping looks like? In our minds we try to get those healthy stuffs but at the checkout counter many a times we find out that our bags consists of chips, cookies, ice cream, soda, frozen and processed foods with just a couple of vegetables or only 1 packet of salad kit. It gives us the satisfaction of having shopped healthy. But, a reality check tells you the contrary. Is that all the healthy food you will eat in the entire week? We all want to lose weight, look fit and be energetic. So are we doing justice while grocery shopping?
Well, I realized this a few weeks ago. I pulled out a bag of chips and my eyes fell on a couple of more varieties so got them too. Some variety of ice creams thinking that a treat once a week would be motivating. Some sodas for just a little kick. Few frozen foods because I thought I was very busy to cook from scratch at home. In my mind they were just a few. Unknowingly my shopping cart was more than half full with all that junk food. When I went to the fresh produce section I couldn’t buy anything because in my mind I had bought enough healthy food. However, I kept cribbing that there are not enough vegetables for me to select. I grabbed some carrots and peppers. Some fresh fruits and a salad kit. I was happy I shopped healthy.
After coming home when I started organizing my grocery I realized my biggest mistake. I was shocked at my own self. My refrigerator was empty. There were only a couple of healthy fruits and vegetables at the end of stocking food. My kitchen pantry was overflowing with junk food. I hadn’t realized until that day that I wasn’t shopping healthy. My bill was too big and I was guilty. I am sure this happens to many of us. Unknowingly we buy those attractive, easy to eat processed food and end up gaining weight and getting frustrated.
I sat down and thought about my shopping. That day I made a list of what not to buy. I know the list always consists of the stuffs that you would want to buy. My list consisted of what not to buy. I was shocked my list overflowed with the stuffs that I should not buy. Next time when I went to the store before grabbing anything out of the stalls I checked my ‘not to buy list’ first. That helped me a lot to be mindful while buying. The ‘ what not to buy’ list helped me from getting distracted with those attractive easy food. It reminded me that no matter how busy I am my family’s heath comes first and I can spare at least 30 minutes of the day to cook healthy and fresh food at home from scratch.
This time when I came back home I was happily smiling because my refrigerator was loaded with fresh vegetables and fruits. My kitchen pantry was loaded with healthy grains and delicious spices. There were protein rich nuts and legumes. It felt much better, much more satisfactory. With my ‘not to buy list’, I did not even debate with myself as to what vegetables to buy because this time I had a positive mind set about buying fresh produce.
It’s easy to get carried away with the variety of food available at the grocery store. It is important for us to keep our eyes open. At the end of our shopping we should always glance at how our cart looks like. It’s a good idea to scan through our shopping cart before checking out. We should always shop food consciously and remember to read labels. Foods directly affect our health and it is our fundamental duty to shop healthy in order to eat healthy.
Health tip of the week
“Shop mindfully and scan your cart before checking out”.
Breyona Sharpnack says
Grocery shopping is my me time and when I can do it alone, I can keep track of the not so healthy items in the cart and cut them down. When everyone is with me that is when the cart gets piled with unhealthy things and I have to put them back as we complete our shopping trip. Great post.
Willow says
I make a grocery list that helps me stick to what I need to buy. In the grocery store I always start in the produce section, and the perimeter, and than work my way into the inner isles, where I stock up on pantry items. By sticking to a list, I make healthier choices.
Gunjan says
You are absolutely right. grocery list definitely helps.
jessica says
i love grocery shopping and am the busiest in the produce section…it’s tricky when they put little sweet somethings near the check-out but i find it helpful to NOT go shopping hungry to avoid temptation.
Gunjan says
Going to grocery on an empty stomach is the biggest blunder. I am so glad you are following the right track of grocery shopping.
anne @onedeterminedlife says
I try to shop the perimeter of the store first. I find if I do this, my cart is already full and I don’t stock up on frozen or boxed items.
Gunjan says
I do the same now.