Welcome to another great week of meal planning and make your work week a lot easier and stress free. I love doing this and for those who are skeptical about the time spent in just planning meals, let me tell you, its super easy and a matter of just few minutes. Just chose the recipes that you would want to cook next week and list your groceries accordingly. You won’t believe how much you save not only budget wise but health wise as well.
I have provided the meal planner in downloadable pdf document for your convenience to print it and stick it on your refrigerator or save it on your desktop, whatever works for you. Sometimes, I use extra ordinary combinations in my recipes but that’s what my blog is all about, unique healthy recipes.
I have mentioned some healthy snack ideas here. I have shared the detailed dinner plan with recipe links, breakfast and lunch idea also with recipe links in the pdf printable document.
Also don’t forget to read the health tips to stay motivated and in shape 🙂
For Mid-Morning Snacks – include smoothies into your diet to keep you hydrated and full till lunch time.
For Evening Snacks include some vegan yogurt, fresh or dry fruits and nuts. You can also opt for hot snacks if desired.
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